Chiba University, Japan


SDGs activities by 250 students and collaborative projects with companies

Chiba University has been operating an environmental management system under the leadership of the " Student Committee for Environmental Management System" for 20 years since obtaining ISO 14001 certification. For its system and achievements, the university received this award for 2017-2018. Today, the committee still has as many as 250 students and is divided into more than 20 groups that carry out various activities on campus and in the local community.

In recent years, the student committee has developed projects in collaboration with local companies and has achieved results in the environmental field, as well as in the areas of human rights and diversity. Among these projects, the cooperative project with Keiyo Bank, which started in 2017, has involved more than 400 students and put into practice more than 80 projects in seven years. This is a student-led project, planned and managed by students.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We can achieve "industry-university collaboration" not only in research but also in student activities.
  2. It is our and society's role to bring the diverse ideas of students to fruition.
  3. To continue student activities, it’s necessary for us to make efforts and create a system.
17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Chiba University, Japan	 image #1 Chiba University, Japan	 image #1