Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand


Net Zero Campus Initiative: A leap towards sustainable climate action

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), renowned for its lush green campus, aims to consolidate its natural assets into a comprehensive plan for achieving its Net Zero ambition by 2030 and fostering the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy. This initiative entails minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and utilizing natural ecosystems to offset any remaining emissions.

Aligning with global efforts, AIT joins over 1000 educational institutions in the ‘Race to Zero’, committing to substantial emission cuts by 2030. Collaborating with industry partners, AIT aspires to set an example for sustainable practices, merging academia with a thriving, eco-friendly environment, and contributing to a more sustainable future.  The initiatives will drive and operationalize the vision, aims, and goals indicated in the AIT Sustainability Policy as well as, leads toward the realization of the Concept of Botanical Garden Campus Towards Net Zero. By integrating the initiative with its earlier campus plans, AIT takes a significant step forward with a pledge towards 100% renewable energy and exemplifying how institutions can proactively contribute to a healthier planet.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Net Zero Carbon Initiative using Botanical Gardens - a prototype example for other institutions to follow.
  2. Transition towards solar energy for energy self-sufficiency.
  3. Fresh water mangrove museum showcasing the environmental sustainability.
13 - Climate Action
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand  image #1 Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand  image #1