York St John University


Feeding the Campus: Social and ecological justice in the York St John food system

Living Lab: Feeding the Campus is a cross-University network of staff and students, all bringing their particular skills to tackle ecological justice issues in the university food system and the region.

Individual students volunteer and collaborate to implement practical projects from community gardening, student cookbooks and student-led cafes, to democratic assemblies and working groups which guide Living Lab decision-making. Specific modules contribute by bringing their expertise, for example fine art exhibitions on food poverty; business analyses of the university’s food supply chains; drama and music performances on the future of the local food system; bioscience studies into the impact of food choices on health; psychological studies of food issues affecting student wellbeing.

Through close working with professional services teams and local food charities and social enterprises, we support the University to make bold decisions towards greater sustainability, including a Soil Association Food for Life Silver Award.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We make multiple invitations to students to engage, via different routes and on different levels.
  2. We are responsive rather than prescriptive, following the energy and needs of particular students / staff.
  3. We provide a consistent, anchoring infrastructure of support within which students can develop as changemakers.
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
York St John University image #1 York St John University image #1