University of Sussex


Empowering student wellbeing: The Sussex Peer Support Project

The University of Sussex Business School's Wellbeing Ambassadors are transforming student mental health, one conversation at a time. This innovative, student-led scheme empowers trained volunteers to provide peer-to-peer support, offering a listening ear and signposting to vital resources. Ambassadors are embedded in the School community, engaging with students at events, cafes, and even through dedicated help desks. They address various issues, from academic stress and financial concerns to loneliness and relationship problems.

This holistic approach has fostered a culture of care, open dialogue, and early intervention, resulting in improved student well-being and a more supportive School community. Ambassadors gain valuable skills and experience, enhancing their employability and personal growth, while the wider student body benefits from accessible, relatable mental health support.

The scheme's success demonstrates the power of peer support in creating a healthier, happier university experience, aligning with UN SDG 3 for good health and well-being.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Peer-to-peer support is highly effective: Facilitates our students help-seeking and open conversations about mental health.
  2. Student co-creation is key: It ensures their needs are met and resonates with their experiences.
  3. Promoting wellbeing culture: The scheme fosters open dialogue on mental health in our School community.
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
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