University of Southampton


The Meliora Podcast – collaborating and celebrating the inspirational sustainability research work of our students, staff, and alumni

The Meliora Podcast from the Sustainability & Resilience Institute at the University of Southampton is the next step in sustainability learning and skills for students, staff, and alumni.

Built entirely around a truly equal collaborative approach between undergraduate students and staff, students are given the opportunity to select and conduct their own research into the full spectrum of sustainability issues that cover each and all of the environmental, economic, social and cultural dimensions that make this such a fascinating, rewarding problem to explore.

The Meliora Podcast is truly liberating for our students and the sustainability research work that goes on in the HE community. Students have an equal platform to academics, transforming the scale of reach of sustainability knowledge exchange outside of universities, due to their fantastic work being freed from the physical restraints of the classroom and assignment portals, to be shared across the world for anyone, for free.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Give your students the opportunities they deserve, and they will give so much more back.
  2. Your students are the most authentic voice in the room when communicating sustainability issues.
  3. Your students are more naturally adept at systems thinking than you think!
4 - Quality Education
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