University of Southampton


Feeding sustainable change

The university catering team has embedded sustainability into the core of its strategy, striving to reduce the environmental impact of operations, committing to future change, and measuring the impact of positive initiatives.

Engagement with staff and students has enabled the catering offering to continually improve in an environmentally conscious way. The team have drastically reduced their food waste in both kitchen operations and packaged food by changing their working practices. Engagement with suppliers has helped to reduce plastic packaging and associated emissions, and the development of a 20-mile menu has meant an enormous transformation in catering contracts to use local suppliers. The team is committed to growing change, by installing their own herb and vegetable garden, enabling the development of a seasonal menu that changes with the produce ready to harvest.

Continual improvement is the underlying principle of all decisions, finding innovative ways to reduce their environmental impact and source in an environmentally and ethically conscious manner.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We learned that incentives and education are crucial for promoting sustainable practices and changing behaviour.
  2. Implementing systemic and scalable solutions across all campuses gave a greater impact.
  3. Financial and environmental benefits enabled us to reinvest and create a positive feedback loop.
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
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