University of Plymouth


Sources, effects, solutions – alerting the world to microplastics

May 2024 marked the 20th anniversary of the first published study to highlight the widescale distribution and long-term accumulation of microplastics in the global ocean. Led by Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS, the seminal paper in Science sparked a whole new area of academic research which has – to this point – been followed by an estimated 7,000 peer-reviewed publications on the topic.

Amid this growing global interest, the University of Plymouth remains at the forefront of the field. In addition to establishing the sources and effects of microplastic pollution, its scientists work with partners across academia, industry, policy, and the media to present the pressing need for action and develop and evaluate emerging solutions.

This whole-system approach has inspired individual and collective action at a local, national, and international level, while researchers continue to push for robust scientific evidence to be a key consideration for an effective Global Plastics Treaty.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We have demonstrated how robust scientific evidence can help to drive global policy and action.
  2. We have demonstrated the benefits of a whole-system approach to tackling a global environmental issue.
  3. We have demonstrated that one person’s curiosity can inspire a new area of scientific research.
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Research with Impact - Institution

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