University of Coimbra, Portugal


Welcome and integration of refugees at University of Coimbra

The University of Coimbra (UC) created a special channel for students with status in emergency for humanitarian reasons by providing Portuguese language courses, recognition of prior higher education qualifications, access to graduate and post-graduate programmes, as well as other educational opportunities. The UC also offers vocational counselling and psychological support.

The UC launched a Refugee Fund to give financial support for Portuguese language courses and to pay tuitions fees if they cannot apply for social scholarships. This initiative is funded from the university’s own internal budget. Another innovation is related to the creation of a portfolio to facilitate recognition of prior learning for those who didn’t have certificates. Universities are outbreaks of innovation, dialogue, and change. Nevertheless, the UC believes that integration isn’t confined within classrooms or auditoriums. Therefore, UC has strategically expanded its sphere of influence by promoting different partnerships with different stakeholders. The main goal is bridging locals and migrants, facilitating mutual understanding, and promoting tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We recognised the need to interconnect people for peace and ensure community involvement in integration.
  2. Contributing positively to the reception of refugees through an inclusive, supportive, and diverse environment, guaranteeing their full integration, reinforces the institution's sense of mission.
  3. Enhanced information sharing, cooperation and coordination among major actors and stakeholders, help to ensure that the measures enable synergies.


4 - Quality Education
University of Coimbra, Portugal	 image #1 University of Coimbra, Portugal	 image #1