University of Aberdeen


Student Relocation Travel Emissions Calculator

As part of the University of Aberdeen’s Net Zero ambition, we are committed to improving our emissions reporting, identifying emissions sources for which we have limited data or lack robust reporting methodologies, and ensuring compliance with the Scottish Government mandate to report comprehensively.

As part of that process, a gap was identified around our ability to report emissions data associated with students travelling to study in Aberdeen from around the world. To rectify this, a Net Zero undergraduate internship within the Sustainability Team was created, resulting in an innovative and effective calculation methodology and tool that enabled us to report these emissions for the first time.

Subsequent engagement with the HFE sector, including through partnership with EAUC Scotland, has enhanced the tool for sector wide use and seen it adopted as a freely available, best-practice calculation and reporting methodology in the UK, with usage also spreading to Australian universities.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We learned that it is possible to develop simple, versatile calculation methodologies for large datasets.
  2. Utilising our InternPlus scheme introduced innovative student ideas and enhanced the intern’s graduate attributes.
  3. Sharing open-source tools with the sector greatly enhances our collective ability to report consistently.
14 - Life Below Water

Creating Impact

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