University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Morocco



Established in 2020, StartGate is a platform that serves as a hub for various incubation and acceleration programmes, designed to cultivate a thriving start-up culture within the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) ecosystem, its living labs, and the Green City Mohammed VI of Benguerir. By providing an enabling environment for start-ups to grow, StartGate aims to accelerate the pace of African development, fostering innovation, and supporting entrepreneurial spirit.

It is one of the main platforms of the UM6P that is not only open to encourage the UM6P students’ ventures, but also to incubate and accelerate all the startups of Morocco. It consists of different acceleration programs, trainings and events to accompany the startups. 

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We are an entrepreneurial campus for building an innovative future. 
  2. Beyond being an entrepreneurship centre, we are a gaming Ecosystem.
  3. We are a hub of innovation, creating impact on a national and an African scale.
9 - Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Morocco	 image #1 University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Morocco	 image #1