In accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), UCSI University Initiative Z aims to transform the campus into a zero-waste campus.
A group of 28 students gathered their talents and skills from various fields with the intention to fabricate a durable Reversed Vending Machine (RVM) on the campus. With the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the machine can intelligently sort the recyclables collected and reward the users with incentives. This will help to reduce the labour needed to sort waste and cultivate the recycling habit in the UCSI community. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) will be designed in-house by the team to make the machine usage process more convenient and interactive. Interesting environmental facts will be displayed on the Human Machine Interface (HMI) device to advance the state of environmental awareness in the community.
This project also serves as an inspiration and motivation for students to be productive and contribute towards achieving the SDGs.