The University of Nottingham


Nature, Nurture, Reflection and Wellbeing in a Memorial Woodland Walk

The University has enhanced an existing undermanaged and underutilised woodland space in the heart of our main campus for the benefit of nature, staff, students, and out local community with the creation of a Memorial Woodland Walk. The vision was for a multipurpose space for students and staff to pause, reflect and remember lost ones whilst enjoying and benefitting from the connection with nature, and improvements to mental and physical health and wellbeing.

The woodland has also seen over 300 staff, students and local community members get involved with its creation through practical working sessions. This has created a committed group of enthusiastic individuals who have gone on to help with other conservation projects across our campuses.

The project has worked directly to try to reverse nature loss through habit restoration and improvements, whilst also educating and upskilling students in conservation activities.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. The importance on informal space for reflection should never be underestimated.
  2. Projects for people and planet are key to delivering biodiversity.
  3. The role of a university community is a powerful delivery tool.
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
The University of Nottingham image #1 The University of Nottingham image #1