Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan


Below Zero Program

The Below Zero Program is the University’s commitment to understand and demonstrate concrete, ambitious and transparent climate action, using the University as a living laboratory. Through the program, we will also build knowledge, frameworks and capacity to support climate action at scale and at pace in Uzbekistan, in our region and globally. And contribute to global environmental sustainability, through our research, teaching and operations by becoming a greenhouse gas emissions negative university through the Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) Below Zero Program.

The TSUL Council declared in May 2022 that by 2030, we will have direct on- campus greenhouse gas emissions for energy, waste, work, and transport that were below zero.  To fully realize the environmental, social, and economic advantages of hostile climate action, new skills are needed in addition to systemic change in our infrastructure, behaviours, organizational norms, data gathering, and decision-making processes. As the national university, we have not only a unique responsibility but most importantly, the capability to lead the nation and be at the forefront of leading this transformational change.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. By 2030 we will have embedded green-house gas reduction and removal in our business operations and culture.
  2. Powered transformational change by integrating the expertise of our staff students and partners and in turn, creating capability to drive at scale and at pace climate action outside of TSUL.
  3. Shared our learnings, contributed to the national and global climate action agenda and inspired others to follow our lead.
13 - Climate Action
Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan image #1 Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan image #1