Stage 2 Guidance Notes

Only Finalists will be invited to complete STAGE 2.
You will be notified by email on 13 June if you are a finalist. 

**Note - you can change the language of this page by selecting your desired language in the drop down box located in the top right hand corner of this page. 

Entry is free of charge to enable all institutions to take part but we do ask for a donation if your institution is able to do so. This donation helps us to continue delivering the Awards. We do not provide any funding or financial support to applicants.

STAGE 2 applications consist of:

- A completed stage 2 submission (see questions below). You will be emailed your application form on 13 June. You must complete the stage 2 section (maximum length of 2 A4 pages), save the whole document (stage 1 and stage 2) in Word format and email it to  

- Create a short 2-minute project video (see more here). Whilst your media materials are NOT a part of your stage 2 submission, and will not be used in the judging process, we do encourage as many Finalists as possible to create some form of media about their shortlisted entry. If you are a category winner, then your 2-minute video may be shown at celebratory promotions and on our website. We recommend you send via a file sharing portal to

Deadline for receipt of your stage 2 submission and video is noon (BST) on 30 July 2024. 

STAGE 2 QUESTIONS: Applications must be completed in English. 

General Information - Only update if required.

“What would it mean to your institution to win an International Green Gown Award?” This information will be used as a marketing tool and if selected as a winner/highly commended, it will appear in various places such as the Winners’ online listing, promo materials etc. Please include the name and job title of the person providing the quote. 

Judges’ questions on your Stage 1 application are enclosed to the right here. Please address these in your Stage 2 submission.

Addressing judges’ questions to your Stage 1 application - The judges’ questions.  This is an opportunity for you to directly answer or clarify any elements the judges identified from your Stage 1 application. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Leadership and Engagement - How does your project fit within your wider institution’s strategy, value and ethos? How have you demonstrated leadership in communicating your initiative? What ways you have involved others in your project. This could include other departments/faculties, the local community and industry, as well as what communication about the project has taken place. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Significance for the Sector - Please summarise what you feel is distinctive about your proposal e.g. originality; replicability through the sector; outstanding example of best practice; application of new technology, process or approach; new application of an existing product. Describe learning from the initiative that could be of relevance to other institutions. Evidence of transfer of knowledge to other institutions should be provided where available. Please indicate how you have involved others in your project. This could include other departments/faculties, the local community and industry, as well as what communication about the project has taken place. Where possible include examples of engagement and/or the communication processes. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Wider Societal Benefits - Please outline the wider societal benefits and value of your application. What is the benefit of your application to society outside of your institution, staff and students? What is the legacy of your application as it benefits wider society? Provide evidence of the benefits. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Learner/Graduate Employer Benefits - Please outline the benefits and value of your application to learner/graduate employers. How has your application improved learner/graduate employability attributes that will attract them to potential employers? What is the legacy of your application as it benefits learner/graduate employers? Provide evidence of the benefits. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

You must not exceed the 2 page limit for stage 2 (excluding the cover page) - so 3 pages in total. This form contains your completed stage 1 application, the judges’ feedback/questions, your answers, and your stage 2 submission (2 A4 page limit).  Please submit the whole form in Word format.  

No background material or appendices etc. will be accepted and examined, so please do not send this.