Singapore Management University, Singapore

SMU Sustainability Blueprint

The Sustainability Blueprint provides a framework for Singapore Management University (SMU) to embed sustainability in the way our community works, learns, lives and plays. We aim to become an exemplar of sustainable living, inspiring and empowering the creation of thriving and inclusive communities where no one is left behind.

Informed by the UN SDGs, the Sustainability Blueprint charts our actions forward in concerted ways across four key strategies: Cultivating a Greener University, Developing Change Agents, Driving Impactful Research and Fostering Resilient Communities. We integrate sustainable technologies and practices into the planning, management and deployment of our resources; prepare students as future sustainability leaders through transformative education and holistic learning experiences; produce and disseminate impactful sustainability research with an emphasis on the management and social sciences; and create a safe, inclusive and empowering environment for our community to flourish.

Offering useful principles that other organisations can adopt, the Sustainability Blueprint provides a pathway to a more sustainable future for all.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Sustainability is a journey of small steps and continuous learning.
  2. Strong and visible leadership is vital in energising students and employees to strive for positive change.
  3. Embedding sustainability requires a holistic, long-term approach across all dimensions of the University.
4 - Quality Education
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