Singapore Management University, Singapore


SMU Project Midori

Initiated in 2017, Singapore Management University (SMU) Project Midori is a student-led community service project with a focus on food waste reduction. In 2022, the project had strategically partnered with SMU Office of Campus Infrastructure & Services (OCIS) and started to work hand-in-hand with food and beverage tenants on campus to raise awareness of SMU’s new food waste segregation practice, which helps to redirect food waste to food waste biodigester machines installed across the campus, to breakdown the material into greywater.

Using engaging activities, the project team conveys the importance of food sustainability to the SMU Community and all SMU visitors and partners and encourages everyone to be food champions by preventing food from becoming waste. In so doing, this project aims to galvanise the SMU community and beyond to join in SMU’s efforts to achieve its aim of becoming a Zero Waste Campus, as part of SMU Sustainability Blueprint Strategy, and in support of Singapore’s Green Plan 2030.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. A successful sustainability-focused project needs to connect environmental causes with simple actionable steps we can adopt in our everyday lives.
  2. To amplify our efforts in promoting sustainability, we should seek collaborations (both with internal and external stakeholders) and leverage existing initiatives and community assets to extend sustainability efforts.
  3. Strong leadership (from both student volunteers and staff teams involved) with invested interest in advancing sustainability helps drive the continued success of the project.
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
Singapore Management University, Singapore image #1 Singapore Management University, Singapore image #1