Singapore Management University, Singapore


SMU GROW Project Edibles

Singapore Management University (SMU) GROW Project Edibles was initiated to utilise the indoor farming system installed by SMU Office of Campus Infrastructure & Services (OCIS), to engage the SMU Community and for student volunteers to learn about sustainable urban farming, food security, and the impact of climate change on our food resource.

In 1 ½ years, SMU, under this project, has successfully grown, harvested, and shared at least 1,500 bags of vegetables with SMU faculty/staff, uniformed workers on campus (e.g. security personnel and janitors), and SMU’s external non-profit partners for their lower-income beneficiaries.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. A successful sustainability-focused project needs to connect environmental causes with simple actionable steps we can adopt in our everyday lives.
  2. To amplify our efforts in promoting sustainability, we should seek collaborations (both with internal and external stakeholders) and leverage existing initiatives and community assets to extend sustainability efforts.
  3. Strong leadership (from both student volunteers and staff teams involved) with invested interest in advancing sustainability helps drive the continued success of the project.
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
Singapore Management University, Singapore image #1 Singapore Management University, Singapore image #1