Schumacher College


MSc Regenerative Food, Farming and Enterprise: Soul, Soil, Society

Educating the next generation of students to tackle climate change by revolutionising our food system from the ground up

Revolutionising the way in which we produce our food is the key to activating the major changes that are needed to address the most pressing challenges of the 21st century.

The MSc Regenerative Food Farming and Enterprise offers practical solutions to bring about radical re-organisation of a dysfunctional food system that is currently threatening the future of our health and our planet.

Students on this course learn how they can play their part in creating a new food economy through the development of resilient human-scale systems that increase the health of our soils, improve biodiversity, and shape healthier, happier, more resilient communities. 

This was one of the first agricultural degrees in the UK to offer a radical alternative to the standard model of food production.  It means that rather than wait for policy changes at Government level students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to create a new system from the ground up.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Our students learn that an ethical, regenerative food system lies at the heart of improving our communities.
  2. The world faces so many challenges, when thinking of the future it is possible to feel overwhelmed.  The practical nature of this course helps us feel we can make a positive impact on addressing the climate crisis and social inequalities.
  3. We learn that sustainability is not enough.  We learn how important the regenerative approach to reverse damage to the environment but also to improve community resilience.
3 - Good Health and Well-Being 4 - Quality Education 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production 15 - Life on Land
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