Royal College of Music


The Royal College of Music launched a renewed Sustainability Strategy in 2023 that builds on the College’s action on tackling the climate crisis and brings together our vision for embedding the highest standards of environmental and social practices in everything we do.

The 2022/23 Sustainability Report illustrates the progress made on each of the five pillars that form the strategy. From the College’s teaching and research to our campus operations and supply chain, we have set a clear vision and measurable targets. Published annually, this report will track our momentum as we work towards our ambitious goal of reaching net zero carbon by 2035 and ensuring access to quality music education for all young people.

As part of a robust governance process that ensures transparency and accountability, this report is an opportunity to share the College’s progress with staff, students, and the wider community.


Top 3 Learnings

  1. Producing a comprehensive report allowed us to compile the positive work from across all departments.
  2. Transparent reporting is a key part of robust governance structures to oversee our progress.
  3. Presenting data in an attractive and accessible format helps to engage our stakeholders.
13 - Climate Action

Reporting with Influence

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