Production Department


Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts

Production Department: Stella Okafor (Head of Productions), Matthew Weeks (Lead Theatre Technician), Jon Hamer, Matt Jones, and Jon Thornhill

Reduced energy consumption in our main performances spaces by 83% by switching from traditional tungsten lamps to LED lighting. During the change, where possible, the lights were converted, or parts recycled to significantly reduce the amount of scrap. The change has also reduced the need to buy consumable products, including tungsten lamps and filters that are not recyclable.

As an institution we want to ensure the next generation of theatre makers have the knowledge and tools to make sustainability a vital and fundamental part of all productions. We have embedded sustainability and environmental issues into our curriculum, with students introduced to the topic at the start of their studies.

The Production Team are passionate advocates of sustainability and this approach. We have undertaken extensive research and consultations with the lighting industry over the last two years to ensure students experience an environment that is as sustainable as possible, and it becomes part of the students’ practice. This year (2023/24) has seen us make significant progress.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. If you want students to fully engage with sustainability issues, you need to lead not follow. The response to this project has been overwhelmingly positive and has inspired our students.
  2. There are concerns about the capabilities of LED lighting. We have found they offer greater flexibility and creativity.
  3. Preparation and planning were key to completing this project while still delivering a busy programme of public performances.
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Sustainability Champion - Staff

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