Peter Buckley, English for Academic Purposes Teaching Fellow, Centre for Open Learning


The University of Edinburgh

I am a sustainability champion both in my professional role as a teacher of English for academic purposes and as a sustainability enthusiast outside my working hours.

As a Teaching Fellow, since 2017 I have been incorporating my sustainability knowledge from the sustainability-related professional development I have completed incorporating into the course curricula. I find that students enjoy discussing sustainability and green skills as part of their learning experience.

As an enthusiast, on top of my professional role, I organise social and community events and activities for staff and students across the University of Edinburgh campuses to promote sustainability, health, and wellbeing, and encourage a sense of community. From coffee mornings, lunchtime walks, to flower planting, and stationery recycling, through my work I instigated connections between colleagues across the University, as well as connection to nature – two things that we tend to find less and less time for since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Small actions can be just as impactful as larger, more wide-ranging actions.
  2. Starting slow and steady often leads to bigger and wider reach.
  3. It is particularly helpful to have a supportive and encouraging Line Manager.
3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Sustainability Champion - Staff

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Peter Buckley, English for Academic Purposes Teaching Fellow, Centre for Open Learning image #1 Peter Buckley, English for Academic Purposes Teaching Fellow, Centre for Open Learning image #1