Nottingham Trent University


Great Crested NewT(U)

Nottingham Trent University’s (NTU) Brackenhurst Campus is a 200-hectare rural estate consisting of a working farm and farmland, buildings and related infrastructure, woodland, and gardens. The habitats here accommodate a high diversity of species – including the nationally and internationally protected great crested newt (GCN).

Since 2018, NTU has partnered with Natural England to ensure GCN thrive at Brackenhurst, with the aim of making the campus the best example of farmland GCN habitat in the region.

To accommodate increasing demand for land-based studies here, NTU undertook a development programme to sustainably construct new teaching and accommodation facilities whilst protecting our GCN population. In 2018, we secured a phased licence to deliver estate-wide habitat mitigation for this, including the enhancement of four existing ponds, the creation of four new ponds, and the formation and enrichment of terrestrial habitats. Our staff and students at Brackenhurst have been heavily involved, as the works have been embedded into teaching and learning.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Phased estate-wide habitat mitigation for developments should be considered instead of “development by development” mitigation delivery.
  2. Legally required terrestrial habitat management works can provide excellent practical experience for students.
  3. Using paid student assistant opportunities for population monitoring provides important experience which promotes ecological careers.
15 - Life on Land
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