Nottingham Trent University


The Big Clear Out

Every year as students move out of their university accommodation, thousands of kilos of unwanted clothes, kitchen utensils, electrical appliances and unused food items make their way to landfill. That’s why Nottingham Trent University’s (NTU) Sustainability Team initiated the Big Clear Out, in collaboration with UPP (our on-campus halls provider), Nottingham Trent Student’s Union (NTSU) and the Sustainability Society.

During the 2022/23 move out period, the Big Clear Out enabled and encouraged students to donate unneeded items, which would go to local charities or be sold to new students at the start of the next academic year, with profits given to charity. In total, 505 bags of household items and electrical goods, valued at approximately £7,070, were donated to the British Heart Foundation, and 25 large crates’ worth of food went to local food banks.

This project diverted around 4,800kg of waste from landfill and incineration whilst supporting charitable causes, illustrating the power of collaboration between organisations, and demonstrating a university-wide commitment to sustainability.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Universities and halls providers should continuously collaborate to promote and increase sustainable actions beyond campus.
  2. Provide students opportunities to support local communities and witness the tangible positive impacts of their actions.
  3. External stakeholders can support waste reduction during peak times with alternative, innovative, and beneficial streams.
2- Zero Hunger

Creating Impact

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