Northampton College, United Kingdom

Go-Green Project empowers sustainable students

Northampton College’s ‘Go-Green Initiative’ encourages staff and students to consider our environmental impact. Our three campuses are sustainable and generate a low carbon footprint. Our Executive Leadership Team challenges our estates staff to reduce our energy consumption and carbon footprint through efficient building management systems, a green sedum roof and 220kW of photovoltaic solar panels which cover our electrical ‘base load’.

We’ve created protected gardens to encourage nature. We offer students a bus pass bursary, provide secure cycle points and staff who use a car for work may donate 1p for every mile they travel to the College Tree Fund. We’ve launched Supporting Sustainable Futures to boost the number of young people in STEM and digital subjects. Staff and students are building a timber frame eco-classroom with construction firms which will feature sustainable products and green energy solutions. We’ve installed electric vehicle charging points and made waste management improvements.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. By working with industry, we are maximising opportunities for students.
  2. Our Go-Green Initiative has reduced our carbon footprint and waste and boosted our reputation.
  3. By approaching sustainability in an innovative way, we’re opening our students’ eyes to new practices.
4 - Quality Education
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