Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan


Enhancing biodiversity with conservation strips in agricultural landscapes

As strict monocultures dominated agricultural landscapes around the world, the on-farm biodiversity is continuously declining. This decline not only affects beneficial fauna responsible for natural pest control but also decreases essential pollinator species, especially bees.

Our project introduces conservation strips within agricultural landscape of Punjab, which is a novel concept in Pakistan. The on-campus 160 m long model strip was planted in 2021. This perennial strip is composed of holy basil and bermudagrass and serves as a suitable habitat and food source for beneficial fauna, as indicated by data. By conserving biodiversity within agricultural settings, our initiative represents a first step in the region towards increasing on farm biodiversity. Moreover, farmers from different areas of Pakistan visit this conservation strip and replicate this model on their farms.

Through this sustainable initiative, we aim to mitigate biodiversity loss and move towards sustainable farming systems.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We learned the importance of local and international partnerships for sustainable development.
  2. We learned the value of integrating nature-positive practices into conventional agricultural practices.
  3. We learned that investing time in research and capacity building empowers stakeholders for long-term success.
15 - Life on Land
Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan image #1 Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan image #1