Miles Richardson, Professor of Human Factors and Nature Connectedness


University of Derby

As a psychologist, I ventured beyond my professional domain to address biodiversity loss. Despite being unfamiliar with biodiversity data, I explored it and created the biodiversity stripes in my personal time. These stripes visually represent species loss over time, making the abstract concept tangible.

My initiative gained global recognition, with the stripes adopted by the Nature Positive campaign and featured at major global environmental conventions. They received extensive media coverage and won the Best Environmental Cause Campaign at the Purpose Awards. The stripes also inspired future environmental campaigns and engaged millions online. All these actions were undertaken outside my regular job hours, demonstrating my commitment to sustainability that goes beyond my professional role.

My efforts have not only raised awareness about biodiversity loss but also inspired others to take action, making me a deserving candidate for the Sustainability Champion of the Year award.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Sometimes it takes a non-expert to venture into unfamiliar territory and tell an important story.
  2. When something needs to be done, do it.
  3. A simple blog with a great idea can quickly go global.
15 - Life on Land

Sustainability Champion - Staff

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Miles Richardson, Professor of Human Factors and Nature Connectedness image #1 Miles Richardson, Professor of Human Factors and Nature Connectedness image #1 Miles Richardson, Professor of Human Factors and Nature Connectedness image #2