London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine


Assembling the puzzle – our journey to Net Zero

In 2020 we set ourselves an ambitious target, we wanted to become net zero by 2030. Achieving this requires holistic thinking and joint action. Our work at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) is international, meaning our sustainability puzzle includes lots of pieces outside the UK.

Part one – we start assembling in London. We are making big strides to improve our infrastructure, reduce our emissions and become more energy efficient.

Part two - we need to change the way we deliver our international research and education. Emissions from travel make up a huge part of our total carbon footprint, tackling how we travel is a key part of the puzzle. This means bringing staff and students onboard, looking for low-carbon options, whilst still delivering our research and teaching.

Part three - how can our sustainability work improve health worldwide. We have a presence in Uganda, and we know communities in rural parts of the country face ever more intensifying water challenges due to climate change. So, as the final puzzle piece we set up the Sustainable Climate Impact Fund (SCIF), an offsetting scheme that places people and planet at its heart. 

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Bringing everyone on board is one of the most critical and challenging parts of the NetZero journey.
  2. Communicate! even when you think everyone must be sick of what you’re saying, repeat again!
  3. It’s a long journey, so celebrate achievements before moving on to the next thing! 
13 - Climate Action

2030 Climate Action

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The Energy Consortium
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