Lizzie King


University of Salford

I am passionate about inspiring people to think differently about green spaces and their value in addressing disconnect in cities and including the environment agency within the work is important in my practice.

As well as using art to inspire sustainable action and in my practice, I have advocated for the University of Salford Sustainability Strategy to increase engagement in campus green space and the development of a campus community garden.

Through my study and establishing a collaborative project on campus with the University Arts Collection Team I used sustainable photography practice to raise awareness and inspire action on the climate crisis. My work has also inspired academic colleagues at University of Salford to extend the work creating a new photography garden in a previously unloved space and a new research group around sustainable practice.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. The power of engaging with smaller audience help your message resonate more deeply.
  2. Art can evoke strong emotions, motivating people to care and take sustainable action.
  3. As students we do have the opportunity to inspire action and change.
13 - Climate Action

Sustainability Champion - Student

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