Kingston University


Kingston University a whole-institutional approach to achieving net zero

In 2021, Kingston University (KU) set an Institutional target to achieve net zero by the year 2038/39 for scope 1 and 2 emissions and net zero for scope 3 by the year 2050. The University has taken a collaborative and whole-institutional approach to meet this target by launching a Net Zero Carbon Steering Group. The group, chaired by KU’s Chief Operating Officer, comprises a mix of senior academic and professional staff and students.

The Group have made strategic interventions both within the curriculum and operations to successfully reduce the University’s carbon emissions and improve carbon literacy amongst students and staff.

To date, the University has achieved a 67% reduction in scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions (from a 2005/06 baseline) and notably, has developed strategic heat decarbonisation plans which have played a critical role in informing the University’s pathway to achieve net zero by the target date of 2038/39.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. To achieve our net zero target, we require all areas of the University (both operational and academic) to act on climate change and taking responsibility for reducing the University’s carbon emissions.
  2. Decarbonisation of heat across the estate is the largest operational and financial challenge in reducing scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions.
  3. Establishing a net zero carbon steering group has focused decarbonisation activity and created ownership and accountability for various sources of carbon emissions across the University.     
4 - Quality Education 9 - Industry Innovation and Infrastructure 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities 13 - Climate Action

2030 Climate Action

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