International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia


SCITECH from Zero to Hero: Student empowerment through community engagement

SCITECH, led by students and educators in External Affairs ENGINIUS, transcends traditional teaching methods, offering hands-on learning experiences to spark curiosity and critical thinking based on STEM, aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 4. Amidst COVID-19 disruptions, SCITECH targets underrepresented groups, offering hands-on STEM learning experiences. Over five years, it has impacted 1108 participants and engaged 384 student volunteers through initiatives like STEM workshops and competitions.

SCITECH's mission is to inspire STEM leaders, benefiting marginalized communities, including indigenous children. They believe in every child's potential to contribute meaningfully to society with proper support. Through collaboration, SCITECH exemplifies student-staff partnerships, showcasing grassroots initiatives' power to engage, educate, and empower.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Engaging with the community empowers students and fosters reciprocal learning, gratitude, and valuable life lessons.
  2. Community engagement fosters leadership skills, confidence development, personal and professional growth.
  3. Follow your passion and success will be with you.
4 - Quality Education
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