Haramaya University, Ethiopia


Reviving Haramaya: Sustaining Lake and catchment for sustainable communities & ecosystems in Eastern Ethiopia

Embarking on a transformative journey, our project seeks to breathe new life into the Haramaya Lake and its surrounding catchment in Eastern Ethiopia. Through innovative ecosystem restoration efforts, we aim to not only revive the lake's vitality but also foster sustainable communities deeply connected to their natural surroundings. By engaging local stakeholders, including Indigenous communities and institutions, we envision a collaborative approach to rehabilitating degraded habitats, enhancing biodiversity, and safeguarding critical ecosystem services.

Our comprehensive strategy integrates climate resilience measures, addressing pressing environmental challenges while empowering communities to adapt and thrive in the face of change. With a focus on education, capacity-building, and inclusive governance, we strive to create lasting impacts that transcend generations. Together, we embark on a journey of renewal, forging resilient ecosystems and vibrant communities for a brighter, sustainable future.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. By embracing community collaboration and engaging local stakeholders, we foster a sense of ownership that leads to stronger, more successful projects. We've seen firsthand how this approach enhances project outcomes and creates a lasting impact.
  2. Challenges are inevitable, but they're also opportunities to be flexible and creative. We are committed to ongoing adaptation and innovation to overcome obstacles and maximize the positive impact of our work.
  3. We prioritize integrating sustainable principles into every aspect of our projects. This ensures long-term success, resilience, and a positive footprint for the future.
6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
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