Glasgow Caledonian University


#MyClimatePledge – cutting business flights with “Nudge” Campaign

#MyClimatePledge is a behaviour change “nudge” initiative to encourage less flying for University business. The initiative has two nudge components: the first is a policy (travel) advisory that staff shouldn’t fly to destinations that could be reached by train in six hours; the second is a public statement (an email banner) expressing individual staff members commitment not to fly to destinations that can be reached by train in six hours.

The initiative was launched in 2020-21 through Glasgow Caledonian University’s Sustainable Travel Plan and has delivered a 34% reduction in emissions from business flights (relative to pre-pandemic levels).

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Behaviour change interventions can deliver significant impacts relative to their cost.
  2. Stakeholders will help you identify associated issues that can be used to drive change.
  3. Find early adopters to champion your initiative.
13 - Climate Action

Creating Impact

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