Fife College


FCSA Unicorn Trail

The Fife College Students’ Association (FCSA) Unicorn Trail is a community outreach project where we facilitated the installation of wooden unicorn cut outs within a walking trail in an area local to one of our campuses. This project was led by the FCSA’s Second Saturday Squad - a student led volunteering group.

We collaborated with local groups who support mental and physical health and promote wellbeing such as SAMH, that were available in the immediate area.

Their members then designed and painted the unicorn cut outs to represent their groups, which were then installed within a walking trail at Letham Glen, Leven to encourage more people in the area to get outdoors whilst highlighting the organisations that could offer support.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Strong community engagement was key in implementing this outdoor project successfully.
  2. The public are more likely to engage with support services by accessing contact details discreetly.
  3. Us relinquishing creative control gave external organisations / the community more sense of ownership.
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
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