Derby College


Riding towards a greener future: Implementation of the novel Equine Carbon Calculator

The Equine Carbon Calculator has been developed to pioneer change in sustainable practice management within the equestrian sector. 

This free resource is accessible to all small, medium and large businesses, colleges and Universities within the United Kingdom to ascertain and truly track their carbon emission output with environmental insights produced on all data inputted. 

The insights are produced bespoke for each organisation and can be split into demographic locations to provide key opportunities for awareness and education to be developed and disseminated to local communicates, students and employers. 

The resource has been developed by key industry relevant specialists, alongside reputable organisations, to empower a sustainable and collaborative movement in the management of equids and land through these data driven insights.  The reduction of the equine carbon footprint throughout the United Kingdom, will have significant impact on the sectors contribution to the governments net zero 2050 target.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We have learnt that acknowledging team efforts in the industry is far more impactful than individual approaches.
  2. We have learnt the value every little makes in reducing carbon emissions from repurposing waste materials such as horse manure, hay and straw excess and plastic wrapping of bale waste.
  3. We have found persistence is key, ask other stake holders for advice, information and guidance, alongside supportive funding routes, even if not directly linked to the environmental or land-based sector.
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

Creating Impact

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