David Fendle, Facilities Management Procurement Manager


Edge Hill University

Since joining Edge Hill University in 2018, I have developed the way in which the Facilities Management department, and by extension the wider Institution, approach procurement in several areas, not least, to ensure sustainability is considered throughout our supply chain.

Central to this was the introduction of NetPositive Futures at Edge Hill University to allow both the University and our suppliers to better understand how sustainability is approached by suppliers.

Since then, I have:

  1. Embeded sustainability at all levels of procurement exercises undertaken by Facilities Management (FM).
  2. Ensured that Sustainability is considered as part of the VFM (Value for Money) strategy so colleagues can easily demonstrate the positive impact their procurement activity has had on the environment.
  3.  Introduced an award for FM colleagues on VFM including Environmental as a criterion for winning.
  4. Ensured engagement with NetPositive Futures throughout the supply chain and in contract review meetings.
  5. Been a constant support to the Corporate Sustainability team around the promotion of sustainable procurement across the University.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. People can make a big impact with small actions.
  2. Sustainability transcends your job description – think outside the box.
  3. Sustainability and procurement go hand in hand.
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Sustainability Champion - Staff

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David Fendle, Facilities Management Procurement Manager image #1 David Fendle, Facilities Management Procurement Manager image #1