Cranfield University


Mastering Sustainability: Cranfield University’s natural and social scientists unite to bridge the green skills gap through accessible apprenticeship

The distinctive focus on technology and management, powerful industry links, global reputation for executive development, world-class research and knowledge of what really works in practice, makes Cranfield University uniquely positioned to provide training that goes beyond the technical to develop leaders for a sustainable economy.

Our pioneering Sustainability Business Specialist Apprenticeship with Sustainability MSc was co-designed by our natural and social scientists, as a holistic and multidisciplinary offering, guided by industry and their insights on the skills gap. The unique delivery mode of the course (live online and part time) and accessibility through the apprenticeship levy, was formulated to widen participation.

Outside of the formal curriculum learning, the course team have prioritised participatory and experiential learning experiences through specially designed games and peer-led knowledge exchange to facilitate transformational learning. Through promoting cross-cohort engagement, the course team has laid the foundations to create an interdependent community of changemakers, united in vision for a sustainable economy, and rooted in academic rigour and theory.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. We overcame university silos and barriers to co-develop a multidisciplinary postgraduate course.
  2. We garnered support and insights from external focus groups who recognise the skills needed in the future.
  3. We built an innovative model of delivery to increase equality, inclusion, and diversity of the cohort.
4 - Quality Education
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