Christine Calder, Academic Development Lead


Dundee & Angus College

My passion for sustainability involves sparking inspiration in the next generation of teachers and students in our college as well as nationally. Through the creation of bespoke CPD and an innovative curriculum mapping project, I have fostered a deep understanding of sustainability among staff and students through projects that I have spearheaded and supported.

The Hedgehog Friendly Campus (HFC) initiative I brought to the College, has engaged groups of diverse individuals to create a community, working together to support the local wildlife and positively impacting the mental health of young people. I have advocated for sustainable travel polices and reducing our carbon footprint by influencing policy making and strategic development. I encourage change at all levels, from Board of Management to students, creating a positive impact that has been replicated across other educational institutions.

I have embedded the SDGs into our teaching qualifications and pathway to ensure that new lecturers are trained in sustainable practices and are confident to inspire discussion and deliver cultural change with their students.

My involvement with EAUC has extended that impact to a national level. It has inspired others through conferences and presentations to adopt the success stories into their own practices.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Focus on what is in your locus of control for real impact and to catalyse progressive change.
  2. A collaborative community with purpose is a great motivator – find your tribe!
  3. See, feel, and hear with the intention to understand and empower colleagues to act with agency.
4 - Quality Education

Sustainability Champion - Staff

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Christine Calder, Academic Development Lead image #1 Christine Calder, Academic Development Lead image #1