Barnsley College


Young leaders and changemakers initiate sustainable grassroots programmes

Empowering students to become the next generation of environmental leaders – giving them the tools and knowledge to act upon ideas and concerns around climate change – is an important facet of Barnsley College’s mission to transform lives.

Chosen as a Trailblazer by the Leadership Skills Foundation’s Environmental Leaders Programme, the College has used this opportunity to inspire three groups of students to develop projects centred on sustainability. Each group has taken ownership and creative control of their respective project – with communication to peers and the wider public a common theme throughout – and despite being provided funding, they have found creative ways to make this low/no cost, showing sustainability can be accessible with limited funds.

Attracted by the prospect of gaining a Level 3 qualification through the programme, the students have since gained a passionate understanding of sustainability that goes beyond their academic work while also having a tangible real-world impact.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. Coaching students in sustainability encourages authentic and ambitious actions.
  2. When we empower learners, we enable future changemakers.
  3. We must provide resource and support when students show appetite for sustainable action.
4 - Quality Education
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