Anne Campbell, Technical Services Officer, Gray's School of Art


Robert Gordon University

I have led the development of the "Garden in the Quad", which is a gardening project which aims to increase biodiversity on our University campus. This project forms part of our ‘Vibrant Campus’ initiative to improve the work and study environment for staff and students and to engage with the local community surrounding Robert Gordon University, helping to contribute to support health and wellbeing.

I have worked closely with the University’s Estates team to map out nature friendly growing spaces across our premises to grow fruit, vegetables, and flowers. We have planted fruit trees and bushes, implemented deep beds with easy to grow vegetables such as lettuce, courgettes and herbs, a vegetable plot for beans, peas, leeks, kale, beetroot and plenty of wildflowers and shrubs to act as pollinators.

Creating new green spaces helps to establish new habitats for wildlife, increases food for birds and insects and creates greater awareness of the importance of biodiversity at the University. It supports the University’s commitment to reduce its environmental footprint and to operate in a more sustainable way. It also encourages campus users to enjoy time out in a green space and provides support and information about how to grow organic food easily and with minimal cost in a small space.

Top 3 Learnings

  1. "Garden in the Quad" a gardening project which increases biodiversity on Campus, especially birds and insects.
  2. Increases University community’s use of green spaces, helping to improve health & wellbeing.
  3. Brings staff, students, and the local community together, learning to grow affordable healthy food.
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sustainability Champion - Staff

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Anne Campbell, Technical Services Officer, Gray's School of Art image #1 Anne Campbell, Technical Services Officer, Gray's School of Art image #1